Sharon Following Heart

help for healing diseases of the soul

For those who are seeking transformative changes, I offer a suite of personalized services that are rooted in over 20 years of traditional spiritual, ceremonial and shamanic practice, made posssible by initiation as a traditional Nahua quiapequis (weather worker) and as an apprentice Nahua tepahtiani (traditional healer).

My training and certifications as a Polarity Somatic Energy Medicine Practitioner, Integrative Craniosacral Balancing Practitioner and Process Work Associate complement these indigenous practices, allowing me to offer spiritually grounded bodywork, heart-centered awareness facilitation, relationship and conflict remediation, and dreamtime approaches to connecting with self, others, nature and spirit.

I help clients naturally re-source, re-balance and re-weave the frayed, tangled and broken threads of both their embodied and spiritual being. By holding a balancing, “middling” attunement for their process, a channel opens between Earth and Sky that facilitates my clients’ self-healing and improved self-awareness, bringing forth new clarity and soul purpose.


Traditional Spiritual Counseling

support for emotional unwinding that’s rooted in Nature and ancient wisdom, engaged with ceremony and spiritual relationships, to facilitate “walking the good road” toward your life purpose, balanced between Earth and Sky.

Soul Re-Sourcing

shamanic bodywork that invites the elemental Primary Spirits to re-balance stuck, polarized mental, physical and emotional states, and re-weave the frayed edges of your spiritual and embodied being

Shamanic Mindfulness

blending beneficial awareness of the mind’s role, agendas, filters and triggers with guided somatic and spirit-world meditation to explore, befriend, unburden, re-build and re-source your emotional patterning

Heart Processwork

opening relationship with “the Other”—emotional blocks, shadows and conflicts—through movement, creative expression and dreamtime experiences that bypass the mind’s habits to reveal Heart’s knowing

House Clearing Limpias

cleanse your home of displaced natural spirits, dense or disturbing entities and energies, or the spiritual remains of those departed, to restore healthy balance, flow and movement to your home life

Soulful Wedding Ceremonies

for those who desire a marriage rooted in the power and presence of Nature’s four directions and primary spirits, as well as those who seek a traditional ceremony performed in the tradition of the Nahua peoples

Client Comments

  • I was stuck—confused, conflicted and exhausted. After a couple of sessions, I invested in a series of six. Over several weeks Sharon helped me unravel my inner knots using several modalities. The polarity therapy especially helped my mind, body, and heart relax, let go and come to a natural state. From there I was able to find clarity, calm and peace. My energy came back and I knew what I needed. I've signed up for more knowing I have somewhere to go for a tune-up before I get stuck again.

    L. A.

  • I went to bed early after our session. My pain level had dropped to about a one and I slept very well. I woke up refreshed. Thank you again.

    M. Z.

  • I already feel like I know myself better.

    A first-time client, after our Exploratory session together.

  • I'm feeling a lot better today. Calling my power back. Thank you for your help.

    J. F.

  • My blood pressure dropped over night and hasn't been high again for weeks. And the pain in my arm has completely disappeared.


  • Read More Client Comments Here:

At a crossroads?

Sometimes, what your mind thinks you want is not what your heart knows you need.
