About this work
I’m Sharon F.H. Brown
I offer a spiritually experiential approach to support self-healing, shift conflicts, and transform relationships. I help clients bring healing self-awareness, physical relief, and compassion to patterns that overwhelm or disrupt their joyful engagement with life.
As a student and initiate of indigenous, ceremonial and process pathwork, I’ve spent close to 25 years learning to discerning Heart’s guidance to nurture this transformative awakening in myself and others.
I call this process Following Heart
Following Heart is a different kind of coaching, counseling or therapy. It’s grounded in the cosmovision of thousands of years of traditional wisdom from the Nahua peoples of MesoAmerica. This wisdom holds that our lives are moving, multi-dimensional reflections of both light and shadow, simultaneously matter and spirit. We exist as spiritual beings living a human experience, tethered to and taught by the cyclical patterns of Earth and Sky.
We also exist in our dreaming, the fertile ground of night dreams, active imagination, “accidents,” and our unconscious expressions—all within the ever-emerging and evolving embodied dream that continuously weaves the “living sentient picture” that surrounds, permeates and forms us.
The great connector that unifies these realms is Heart—our spiritual interconnection with self, others, community, nature and Divine. Through this ancient wisdom path, we can find the clarity and courage to navigate life’s twists and turns with resilience, trust, gratitude and grace.
Your life’s purpose is forged
through self-awareness
Greet your Allies and Shadows
with equal curiosity
Your Heart knows and loves them both